TOPICs: ADVOCACY: Global Opportunities and Responsibilities for Psychologists
Assigned Reading/s: CHAPTER 1, pp. 15 - 36 [Shealy, Bullock, & Kapadia (Eds.) (2023)]
Supplementary Materials:
Looking back: Why the History of Psychology is Going Global
Click here for PDF version of this
VIDEO: Global museum for the history of Psychology opens in Akron
UPDATE: Here is the current website for the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology (at the University of Akron in Ohio)
Dr. David Baker (Director of the Center)
Directory of International and Regional Organizations of Psychology
This directory lists contact information for international and
regional organizations of psychology.
Global Journal of Psychology Research: New Trends and Issues
This is an international peer-refereed journal. Its mission is to publish articles of professional interest for members of psychology. The journal welcomes
articles on a wide range of issues addressing new trends and issues in psychology from around the world.
APA Division of International Psychology (Division 52)
"A World Without Language Barriers"