All psychologies are indigenous psychologies: Reflections on psychology in a global era (Author: Dr. Anthony Marsella) Link:
Understanding psychology as indigenous to the contexts in which is developed and in which it operates may help forge a new conception of the role of culture.
VIDEO: "Are Asians Smarter?" Link:
This is from 60 minutes New Zealand and was titled "Breeding Brainiacs Tiger Mums in New Zealand".
Critically think about the contents/messages from this video. What constitutes "Asian"? Are cultural stereotypes in play here? To what extent to do you think culture influences academic
achievement? How so?
VIDEO: Cultural Dimension: ME or WE Link:
Some cultures focus on the individual as a unique, independent person, properly operating for his or her own benefit. Others focus primarily on the group, assuming that the group's well-being
comes first, and the individual is expected to conform to the group's needs.