TOPIC: TEACHING: Opportunities and Recommendations for Internationalizing Psychology Education
Assigned Reading/s: CHAPTER 9, pp. 183 - 206 [Shealy, Bullock, & Kapadia (Eds.) (2023)]
Supplementary Materials:
· Teaching Psychology: Where Can I Find Help?
This resource provides the novice or veteran psychology teacher with a quick reference for needs and questions that arise while preparing to teach a course in psychology. External links provided on this page are not endorsed by APA but were selected by the educators who compiled this list as useful sites for teachers. This listing was suggested by members of an APA Working Group on Ongoing Professional Development that met during the 2017 APA Summit on High School Psychology Education.
Neil Lutsky, Carleton College
Judith Torney-Purta, University of Maryland College Park
Richard Velayo, Pace University
Val Whittlesey, Kennesaw State University
Linda Woolf, Webster University
Maureen McCarthy, American Psychological Association
· Resources for Teachers of Psychology
The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP) curates and distributes teaching and advising materials to all teachers of psychology (e.g., 4-year instructors, 2-year instructors, and
high-school teachers). The resources available below are documents that can
pertain to any aspect of teaching. (NOTE: Syllabi have their own listings under Project Syllabus.)
Instructors have generously shared classroom activities, annotated bibliographies, film guides, lab manuals, advising aids, textbook compendiums, and much more. Notations indicate those that
developed from Instructional Resource Awards.
· Resources to Help Internationalize Psychology Courses/Curricula
This resource includes books, chapters, articles, and other materials related to the internationalization of the psychology curriculum. The resource is organized topically as follows: Cognitive,
Developmental, General Cross-Cultural, General International, Global Issues, Health, History, Industrial/Organizational, Intergroup Relations, Introductory, Mental Health and Clinical, Psychology
and Law, School, Social, Teaching, Women, and additional resources.