List of courses taught...


2017 – Present (Part-time)

Psychology Department, Pace University, NY 


▪ Introduction to International Psychology (Master's)

▪ Instructional Psychology: Multimedia Applications (Master's) 

▪ Psychology at the United Nations (Master’s)


1994 – 2017 (Full-time)

Psychology Department, Pace University, NY 


▪ General/Introductory Psychology 

▪ Experimental Psychology (Parts 1 and 2) 

▪ Statistics in Psychology, Education, and Allied Fields 

▪ Cognitive Psychology 

▪ Mentored Lab Class (1 and 2) 

▪ University 101

▪ Independent Study


▪ Human Learning (Master's)

▪ Research Design and Statistics I (Master's) 

▪ Research Design and Statistics II (Master's)

▪ Cognitive Psychology (Master’s)

▪ Personality Theories (Master’s)

▪ Instructional Psychology: Multimedia Applications (Master’s)

▪ Mentored Lab Class (1 and 2) (Master’s)

▪ Independent Study (Master’s)

▪ Professional Seminar (Master’s)

▪ Introduction to International Psychology (Master’s)

▪ Psychology at the United Nations (Master’s)

▪ MA Thesis

▪ Psychology of Learning: Theories and Applications (Doctoral) 

▪ Doctoral Research Seminar (PSY834) and Doctoral Research Colloquium (PSY835) (Doctoral)


2000 – 2008 (Part-time)

School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Pace University, NY 

Undergraduate: [These are online courses offered through the NACTEL’s (National Coalition for Telecommunications Education and Learning) Associate of Science in Applied Information Technology and the Accelerated Online B.S. in Telecommunications degree programs.]

▪ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

▪ Psychology of Personal Adjustment

▪ Psychology of Learning


1993 – 1994 (Full-time)

Psychology Department, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 


▪ Introductory Psychology 

▪ Thinking Skills  (Critical Thinking Skills and Cognitive Psychology)

▪ Learning and Motivation (with a laboratory course)

▪ Developmental Psychology 

▪ Behavior Modification 

▪ Independent Study 


1989 – 1992

Psychology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Undergraduate: (as a Graduate Research Assistant)

▪ Introduction to Psychology 

▪ Learning to Learn  (Cognitive and Motivational Psychology)                          


1986 – 1988

Psychology Department, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA

Undergraduate: (as a Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant)

▪ Experimental Psychology


1984 – 1985

Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines


▪ Introductory Psychology (as a Lecturer)

▪ Introduction to Sociology (as a Lecturer)

▪ Industrial Psychology and Human Engineering (as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant)